Open access options for your article

Open-access articles are freely available to read, download and share. For more information about open-access options, read the gold and green overviews below.

Gold Open AccessSelf-archiving (Green Open Access) Not Offering Yet
What is it?

The author pays an Article Publication Charge and the article is immediately freely available online for all to read, download, and share
What is it?

The author self-archives a version of the subscription article in an online repository or website


ICRP offers two ways to publish gold open access, Authors may publish in a:

  1. Fully open access journal - journals where every article is published open access
  2. subscription journal offering hybrid open-access
  3. an open-access option that most ICRP journals offer


Self-archiving requirements vary depending on the article version being archived. Authors may archive the:

  1. Submitted version on acceptance
  2. Accepted version with a 12-24 month embargo - embargo period varies by journal (Use our Author Compliance Tool to check)

Open Access Agreement with a Creative Commons license

Standard CTA or ELA

Article Publication Charge - amount varies by journal (Visit our Article Publication Charge page to learn more)

No charge
Learn moreLearn more

Routes to gold open access

ICRP Open Access Accounts

Our open-access accounts enable research institutions, funders, and corporations to financially support their authors to publish open access. We offer open-access accounts that are flexible, help institutions with their budgetary needs, and make account management easy. View the list of institutions and funders with a ICRP Open Access Account or check your eligibility.

Transformational agreements

Transformational agreements allow researchers unlimited read access to a portfolio of journals, plus funding to cover Article Publication Charges when choosing to publish open access. 

Your funder or institution may require you to publish gold or green open access. Use our Author Compliance Tool to check the policies of your funder or institution against your journal of choice.

For detailed instructions on how to order Hybrid Open Access, please visit our How to Order page. If you are publishing in a fully open access journal, refer to our Article Publication Charge Payment guide for assistance.

The benefits of publishing open access

By removing access barriers to published research, open access makes research findings available to everyone – driving forward the pace and strength of global innovation and invention.

As an author, you can be confident that by choosing open access your work has the best chance to be read, cited and shared.

Publishing gold open access:

  • Complies with funder or institution mandates
  • Allows you to retain copyright through a CC BY license
  • Enables automatic deposit in PMC (when appropriate)

Across the Wiley portfolio open-access articles typically perform better than articles requiring a subscription to read them:

Higher Views
On average, open-access articles were viewed nearly four times more than subscription articles
More Citations
On average, open-access articles were cited +60% compared to subscription articles
Altmetric Score
On average, open-access articles generated four times as much Altmetric attention as subscription articles

Publish with ease for quality, reach and impact

  • Ease: Publish quickly and easily
  • Quality: Create the best outcome for your work
  • Reach: Generate the maximum visibility for your research
  • Impact: Maximize and measure the impact of your work.