APC Discount and Waiver Policy

Board of Directors: Our advisory board members receive a 20% discount on the non-funding fee. ICRP also offers discount vouchers to selected reviewers.

We wholeheartedly support the Research4Life Access to Health Research Program. For articles presenting original research, authors whose primary funder is in the HINARI Group A countries receive a 65% discount, while authors whose primary funder is in the HINARI Group B countries receive a 35% discount. The following countries from Group B, "Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Tunisia, and Uzbekistan," are not eligible for discounts. But authors from these countries can also apply for the discount. If no formal funding was received, the source country will be determined by the country of origin of the majority of the authors' institutions. If there is no majority country, the corresponding author's primary affiliation country will determine waiver eligibility.

Institutional Funding opportunities

APC fees for open-access journals are an accepted way to defray publication costs, and most institutions have mechanisms and funding sources to cover publication costs in high-quality open-access journals. Contact your institution, department, or funder for information on APC subsidies for open-access publications. As your department benefits directly or indirectly from article publication, we're confident it will be willing to pay the APC fee in the absence of extramural funding. For open access agreement 

Refund Policy

Once an article has been accepted for publication, an Article Processing Charge is due. The submitting author assumes responsibility for the Article Processing Charge (APC), and ICRP will not issue refunds of any kind. For others, read the complete policy.

English Editing and Discount Opportunity

English editing services: Get a 10% discount on English editing services from ICRP. If the authors used another professional service, please provide an English editing certificate from the company or an individual native English speaker.

Journal publication Expenses

Here is a breakdown of how our APCs are used

  • Triaging: Filtering of papers upon submission by internal staff and editorial board members.
  • Organization of peer review: ICRP provides a high degree of assistance to academic editors so that they can only focus on editorial decisions. We employ in-house editors to invite reviewers, collect review reports, communicate with authors and reviewers, correspond with authors about revisions, and more.
  • Production: copy-editing, typesetting, XML, language editing, and PDF conversion. The APC includes minor English editing by native English speakers. The APC does not cover extensive English editing.
  • Proofreading: corresponding with authors to approve the final text and requesting any missing information.
  • Other editorial assistance: handling any questions and requests for support before submission, during the editorial and peer-review process, or post-publication.
  • Journal Management & Development: In-house Managing Editors track key performance indicators of the journal and monitor competing journals and trends in the field. They also provide reports and hold discussions with the Editor-in-Chief and the Editorial Board.
  • Indexing & Archiving: ICRP has a dedicated team that works to continuously expand post-publication coverage of all our journals within the main academic databases, scope-specific databases, and country-specific journal ranking lists.
  • Digital preservation: ICRP is digitally preserved cover-to-cover by Lockss and CLOCKSS, ensuring long-term archival of all of our publications.

Marketing and Communication Expenses

ICRP allocates part of its income to the promotion of journals and articles through sponsorships of conferences, scholarly society events, and other promotional activities, as well as a series of awards to support researchers